This exhibition celebrates women politicians and political activists from across the United States and the globe who have taken on leadership roles and campaigned on the issues they are passionate about. It is part of a series of events led by GEIA to mark IWD, March 8th. It highlights the importance of gender balance in government as a necessary step toward creating gender equality and ending discrimination.
Each of these women, in her own way, has smashed through a glass ceiling and striven to have her voice heard and valued, providing a new style of leadership and vision of how politics can be done. They represent a series of ‘firsts’: by running in the 2018 U.S. midterm elections for the first time, winning a seat in Congress or the Senate, or by leading the #MeToo campaign in their country.
The theme for IWD 2019 is #BalanceforBetter, which calls on women and men to come together and campaign for gender balance. How will you help make a difference in 2019? Join the conversation on Twitter @ElliottGEIA with the hashtags #GEIA_IWD_2019 #MeToo.